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The body as a signal transmitter | Part 3

Writer's picture: Victoria PlankVictoria Plank

Part 3: Four factors that influence vision

Based on BQH sessions for Eyesight

“The light which shines in the eye is really the light of the heart.” ~ Rumi

The following blog article summarizes common patterns and factors that influence eyesight. These components were identified by different clients during various BQH sessions. This article suggests guidance on how to investigate the background factors influencing your own vision.

Here are starter questions for investigating your eyesight:

  • At which age did I start having near- or farsightedness?

  • What could have changed in my belief system or in my perception of how I viewed the world? Of how I viewed myself at that time?

Your journey is unique

Everyone has a unique medicine path, a unique reason and root cause for why and how they are who they are. Above all, BQH honors and supports the unique journey that each individual has chosen in this lifetime.

The following elaborations have been given to individuals from their Higher Selves for their particular journeys. It’s not a “one size fits all”, but these responses can enrich our perspectives and give us valuable insights and directions. Just feel into your heart what resonates. Keep what is relevant and discard what is not.

Did you read Part 2: "Investigation on SEEING and EYESIGHT with BQH"?

Victoria Plank Eyesight
Victoria Plank (2023)

Four factors that influence vision

1. Belief systems

“Let’s explain it from the point of view of belief systems.”, replied a client's Higher Self (HS) when she tapped into her superconscious mind, “There is an incompatible belief that desires to misalign the eyesight. On an individual level it is considered a point of view that is misaligned. So her solution is changing the belief or point of view. To do this on a general basis, look at things with a softer, less judgemental, less critical viewpoint. You have divided eyesight conditions into three main categories: nearsighted, farsighted and astigmatism. At its core, it's all about changing beliefs. Farsightedness: you don’t want to look at things that are close to you but are ok with the things that are far away. Nearsightedness: the other way around. Astigmatism: an overall blurry or misaligned.

2. Protection-mechanism and stepping into your full power

A client’s Higher Self explained, “She is seeing blurry because by not seeing … she doesn't have to feel”.

Another client’s HS gave almost the same response: “If it is blurry, then she can convince herself that she didn’t see it.”

Another client found herself back in the fifth grade, with a teacher who was misusing her power. As a child, she was surprised how all adults just played along with the teacher and she experienced feelings of powerlessness and of being controlled. She realized that things are often not what they seem to be, that things are different from what they look like on the surface. According to her superconscious mind, her eyesight condition was a means for self-preservation. The core belief that was created was “If I fall under the radar, I'm safer in this twisted world.” Besides receiving small tasks as homework from her Higher Self, e.g. watching for a special color on her daily walks and running chi-energy through her eyes, her HS told her that she can now allow herself to see things as they really are and step into her full power.

Another client saw a life where she lived her full power. Her core belief for her eyesight condition turned out to be, “If I use my full power, I could misuse it and hurt other people.” Her core emotion connected to her nearsightedness was the fear of something going wrong. Besides giving her a special meditation, her HS encouraged her to remember stop worrying, and to instead remember and embrace her full power.

3. Releasing “Stuck tears”

Something that showed up in almost all of the eyesight sessions was unexpected emotional releases through tears. Releasing “stuck tears” was a clear pattern observed during the sessions.

During the regressions, most clients found themselves in their own childhood or in past lives. However, one client found herself in a completely different, curiously magical place. She saw a story where she was a man that was looking for a cure to heal the eyesight of his almost-blind beloved one. She received a round object from a goblin-like creature. My client explained, “He tells me that the object is a cure for eyesight. Just let her [the beloved one] hold it and visualise her eyes in her mind. She should put it around her third eye. Then, the object will completely integrate and dissolve into her third eye.” I asked, “What’s so special about this object?” My client answered, “It is a type of … a creature’s tear. It’s solidified.”

Fast forward to the moment when the beloved-one carried out the suggestions. I asked my client to ask her, “How does it feel?” My client replied that she (the almost-blind beloved one in the magical scenario) felt very strange sensations happening around her eyes and third eye and she couldn’t stop crying. “I was also crying with her,” replied my client, "because I really felt for her”.

While most of my clients could release “stuck tears” in their eyesight sessions, I found it especially interesting that this client didn’t herself cry – but she had a vision, during the BQH-session, where she saw a version of herself crying.

4. Forgiving

A further theme that appeared in several sessions was the theme of forgiving and letting go. I must say, in many self-healing processes — not just with the eyesight — I see how powerful the practices of releasing and forgiving are.

Letting go of resentment towards others, towards family members or friends, letting go of fear (e.g. nearsightedness: fear of the future), doubt (e.g. self-doubt), and hidden sadness. Most important? Forgiving yourself and others.

The body as a means of communication for the soul

Our bodies offer possibilities for our souls to communicate what we may not be able to perceive through our soul's other more subtle means of communication. Our soul will always try to tell us when we’re not aligned with it. How? First, through feelings. It is important to listen to feelings and not suppress them. Secondly, we may manifest someone or something on the outside to show us what we should look at on the inside. Thirdly, if we’re still not getting our soul-sent messages, the issue may present in our physical body. The language of the soul through the body can be best understood by looking at it metaphorically.

BQH sessions offer the opportunity to communicate with the subconscious, the soul, and the spirit team to ask and receive clarity about the messages and spiritual reasons underlying our symptoms. The solution never lies in rejecting an aspect of ourself or others, but in understanding, allowing, loving acceptance, and integration.

Click here for Part 4: Conclusion

--> Coming Soon. Stay Tuned!

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Our own self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world.

~ Ramana Maharishi

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