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The body as a signal transmitter | Part 2

Writer's picture: Victoria PlankVictoria Plank

Part 2: Investigation on SEEING and EYESIGHT with BQH

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

My strong decision to improve eyesight naturally

When I talked with my dad and my brother about their Lasik surgery for eyesight, it created the wish and the decision in me to improve my eyesight naturally. Like most of the people around me, who have chosen not to have Lasik yet, I wear contact lenses or glasses. And, like most people my age, I have been nearsighted since primary school.

Observing the global eyesight conditions, I was surprised that nowadays having some kind of eyesight issue is more normal than having none. And it seems to be accepted as a given. Another interesting pattern I found was that it is usually younger people who are diagnosed with nearsightedness and elderly people who are diagnosed with farsightedness or presbyopia.

I found it curious that younger people can look back on their lives only a few years seeing well what is close (near), while elderly people can look back many years and see well what is far away, but not what is close.

Did you read the introduction to this blog series "The body as a signal transmitter"?

Victoria Plank Eyesight
Victoria Plank (2022)

A curious Development

Making strong and clear decisions has powerful consequences as the law of attraction and universal forces will bring to you the necessary components. In December 2021 my dear friend and US American BQH colleague Monique Nerkowski ( asked me if I was interested in exploring the topic of eyesight with the help of BQH. Little did she know about my already existing special interest in this topic.

We started by having BQH eyesight sessions with one another, followed by approaching this topic with 25 clients in their BQH sessions. Further, we utilized a new eyesight-focused session script, based on insights we received from our own swap sessions.

>> Monique and I are happy to send this script to other interested BQH practitioners on request.

In this article, I am going to share with you some insights on the spiritual background of SEEING and EYESIGHT, received through the subconscious minds and higher selves of my clients in their BQH sessions. I give my deep gratitude to my clients for their cooperation in bringing forth the information for all to share.

Disclaimer: The following information is received during BQH sessions or self-study. It is given to the reader as food for thought and self-reflection in their spiritual growth and to the public for enriching the body of knowledge on the spiritual perspectives on Seeing and Eyesight. I am not a doctor or optometrist. I am not diagnosing or providing medical advice. I hold no claim on medical correctness. For eyesight conditions please consult with your doctor.

While it would be interesting to discuss the effects of modern technology, blue light, etc. on eyesight, as well as the effects of nutrition (sugary food vs. vitamin rich food) and physical exercise, the focus points of this article are subconscious programs, emotional imprints, and habits of thought. The information is provided through BQH sessions where clients access the subconscious or superconscious (Higher Self) mind and / or receive metaphorical dream-like pictures, journey to their own childhood, and / or through tapping into the quantum field, journey to a past, parallel, or future life in the same, similar, or completely different density and dimensional world.

Wisdom from the spirit of the eyes

“See the world in its most beautiful light. In each situation you have the choice of how to look at things. See everything and everyone in their most beautiful light - especially yourself.

The way your face and your eyes use their muscles when you look at things and find them beautiful is, just like the underlying belief system, different to the way your face and your eyes use their muscles when you worry.” (2022, BQH session)

Spiritual Eye
Spiritual Eye is a piece of digital artwork by Lynnette Larubina (2019)

Eyesight and cultural programming

As mentioned previously, I was wondering how, in our society, it became more normal to have eyesight issues than to not have eyesight issues. So, in a BQH session with one client, I asked her Higher Self (HS), “What is it that we as a collective are not seeing?” The Higher Self responded, “Humans see reality as so sad. It’s not sad.”

Another HS talked about the global collective completely losing its focus on what is important and where to look at, and how humans are not seeing the love, compassion, generosity, and appreciation all around them. Instead, a large portion of humanity is focused on the wrongdoings, the bad news, and the dramas of the world, looking at all from a pessimistic standpoint. The takeaway? How important it is to realize that the way we choose to look at ourself and at the world influences what we see.

I also asked the Higher Self, “Why is it that the new normal for younger people is being nearsighted?” The Higher Self responded, “Are they encouraged to dream? Are they encouraged to have visions? To look ahead, and into the future with joy? How far do they have to look each day? Only on the laptop, the mobile phone or a study paper? The body gets used to only looking near, adapting to what is needed.” I find it interesting how the connection of nearsightedness to only having to look near literally (reading, studying, …) is pointed out, along with not allowing the mind to wander, and the influence of their perception of the future.

For those who are nearsighted, consider asking yourself the following questions in order to expand out your view / vision / perspective:

  • Is there fear or discomfort related to your future? Are you afraid of looking into the distance, into the future?

  • How visionary do you allow yourself to be?

  • How much do you allow yourself to reflect upon and amplify the areas of your life that fill you with passion?

  • Observe yourself during the day and see how much you truly look into the far or into the future. How much do you allow yourself to truly see the things that are a bit farther away?

Who defines what is good eyesight for you?

During a BQH session we always ask first, “Why has this soul chosen to experience eyesight challenges? What are the learnings, lessons and wisdom gained? And, “Is it in the soul’s plan to improve his/her eyesight in this lifetime?”

One HS replied by asking us the following questions:

  • “Who defines what is good eyesight for a particular person?

  • Does every vision have to be the same?”

Indeed, there are some positive aspects and interesting experiences an individual could have with so-called “bad eyesight”, such as being able to choose between two states of vision depending on whether one’s glasses are on or off.

Some clients also enjoyed their glasses because they acted as a protective layer. One client remarked that the softer and slightly blurry vision enabled her to see auras and energy fields better, so she could choose between “normal sight” with her glasses and “energy sight” without her glasses.

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2022년 10월 15일

I do have a simple method for healing and returning eyesight to normal. Buy an eyepatch, (like a Pirate). Divide your day into 4 parts, wear the eyepatch over one eye for 1/4 of your day. When that quarter is over change to the other Eye. Repeat this process. The length of time, in Days, varies per person and the severity of the lens damage. Love all unconditionally, I AM You ARE.


Our own self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world.

~ Ramana Maharishi

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